Thursday 25 June 2020

Top 10 most powerful MCU villians

10) kaecilius

Doctor Strange movie main villian was kaecilius not Dormammu. Kaecilius want to merge dark dimension with earth because he thinks with doing this he can get their dead wife again. At the end wee see that He did that but he pays for that. He was the powerful sorcerer . He was the first who knows about the power of ancient one . 

9) Erik killmonger

Erik killmonger was come to defeat T-chala for their Dad motivemotive. His dad want to finish actrocity which African people was suffering from so he want to control that so kill monger wants to defeat T-chala but his way was wrong and he lost against T-chala. But he was the one who motivate T-chala to put wakanda infront of whole world and to bring all together. 
8) Helmut zemo

We think he was the normal Villian but he was not. He was a sakovian  intelegence officer and was commander of  sakovian paramilitary tactical unit eco scorpian.And he used this skills to break the Avengers. Basically his main motive was to take a revenge with avengers but he do also bad things while doing this He killed many people in that there was a T- chala father so T-chala kept him to the prison. Helmut zemo will be release and will be seen in Falcon and the winter solider. 

7) Red Skull

He was to become superior among all people so he used super soilder serum on it but this serumhe became red skull . Red skull was the head of Hydra. He was to rule on world with the help of Tesseract . His motive was bad because of this motive he get teleport to vormir and he became a soul stone kepper keeper. According to some stories when soul stone get release he will be free from vormir and there is chance we can see him in MCU again. 

6) Ronan the Accuser

Comic ronan is good he also helps heroesheroes. But in movie he was seen like a bad and angry guy. He doesn't like xandrian people and this was because of cre nova war because in this was his father, grandfather and great grand father got die.But he lost against Gaurdians. 

5) Ultron

Tony and Bruce son Ultron was a peace keeping program but he see a humans as danger for World so he came to destroy all human from the world . To do all this peace making program give permission  to use sakovia so to take a city on fly and he was use it as asteroid so when the city fall the earth get destroyed . But Avengers defeat Ultron. 

4) EGO

Ego was the one living planet his only mission was to go on different planet and with the help of taraforming destroy all the humans. If he did that so in whole world only he and Peter can be alive . 

3) Loki 

Loki was not the evil entity he just want to that much opportunity that Thor got . But when he came to know because he was adopted so he can't be king so he take the matter in her hand then with this also doesn't happen any thing so he attack on Earth. When with the time all get normal he also understandunderstand. But when her hate got finished then Thanos come and Loki get died. 

2) Hela

Hela was the god of death and she was Odins daughter. She was seen in MCU in different avtar where his  motive was to capture the Asgard but she did this because of her Dad Odin. Odin was on the mission to capture the Nine releam and whit Odin Hela was also there but when Odin decide to make the peace then Hela can't get that so she go to kill the Odin. But Odin get died when she came to kill Odin and then she break the Thor hammer. 

1) Thanos 

The Mad Titan Thanos was the genocidal war Lord .when he lost her planet and her people so he made and objective to make the world stable so to make stable he was to kill 50% living being from the world so remaining 50% can live without any problems. His objective was right but his way was wrong. To do something good he came to kill other inocents. To do good we have to sacrifice from our. He doesn't know that thing but Tony did that. He sacrified himself for the better good of people. 

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