5) Captain America:-
As we know captain America was a result of super serum so basically he got everything from that serum. He is just soldier and a old man but cause of that serum he looks young. Captain America role was just to Assemble all Avengers and without that sheild he was just soldier as we see In Infinity War when we see his entry. He always speak like an old man and give sympathy and hope but his real power we see in Endgame when he Lift Mjolnir and show that he is Worthy to lift mjolnir. But he always have plans no matter what's his age sometime that can't work but sometimes it does. If we say he was nothing without his Vibranium sheild and super serum. But in the battle of Earth he was still stand infront of thanos though all avengers were injured. But though he won heart of Fans by some epic scenes like to hold on helicopter by just hands, Try to save the punch from Thanos, and Fight with Thanos army on Wakanda, Defend the attack from Thor mjolnir. At last he was a good friend.
4) SpiderMan:-
We think he is just a boy, but we think wrong he is not just a boy he Is so powerful that we can't imagine as we see in spiderman Homecoming he alone almost hold Ship, he also have its Spider sense through which he can sense any wrong thing or something that might gonna happen as we see it in Infinity War when he was on bus his hand hair get up its because of Spider cells. He is smart as Tony Stark but he was not able to take decisions so Tony Stark not make him Avengers but in Infinity war when he enter into flying donut then Tony make him Avenger cause at that time Tony knew he is able to take decisions. Spiderman Fans like to watch him swinging, his suit, his strength, some of his scenes won fans heart was He take a sheild from Captain, he kick Thanos Face, He defend Bucky punch, he catch rhodey when Giantman kick rhodey and last His Ironspider Suitup scene, He fight with drones with just the help of his spider sense or cell. Fans love to see Peter and Tony together. Now though more things have to come which will make spider man as most liked superhero.
He was just a Doctor but one Accident change his life and he become Doctor Strange a sorcerer supreme. Fans like to see his tricks his portal opening and his attitude, Doctor Strange attitude was same as of Tony but he changed his attitude when he Became a Sorcerer supreme. He was the different Avengers among all the Avengers and that make him liked superhero. He was powerful with Time stone, without it also he was a powerful and that's what also make himself different. Some of his scenes won fans heart and they are He alone bargain with Dormammu, to go in future with the help of time stone, Fight with Thanos, and at last see the posibility of wining the Avengers. But Endgame movie don't show that much power of Strange, we just see there he Holding the sea .
He was a God Of Thunder and also a Powerful Avenger. He have his own planet Asgard. His strength, Anger, fight scene won the fans heart, some of his scenes like Almost ki himself to make a badass weapon, put the Strombreaker into Thanos chest, Entry in Wakand and last his pain of loss this whole family, this make his more Badass Avenger. Upto the event of Avenger : age of ultron he thinks he was nothing without Mjolnir but in Thor Ragnarok ever he knew he is God of Thunder without his Mjolnir also he come to know Mjolnir was just to hold his power and use in right way. But in Endgame his character was not like before he got fat and became a Bro Thor which was a funny but film makers do mistake and some Thor fans get sad cause they can't see real Thor that want him in Endgame.
1) Iron Man:-
Ironman aka Tony Stark he is the most Liked Avenger of all time, He is Genius Billionaire Philanthropist and playboy, this make him a Different Avenger also his Tech like FRIDAY, EDITH, his Different Armors, his attitude make is different. He always have different suits in his movie and that make a Fans to bring toward him. He have cursed of Knowledge, he always think of future rather being in presence and made different invention, as we see in Age of ultron he made ultron to protect Earth but Ultron thinks Avengers are the one who is destroying Earth so he turned on Avengers. He also made Time machine, some of his Best scenes like Fight with Thanos, fight with Captain, fight with Thor, take missile out to earth, his landing scenes, fight with Hulk, snap with all six infinity stones, made Thanks bleed and most His all suitup scenes won the heart of fans. His some famous dialogue like "I am iron man", " No amount of money can busy seconds of time", " Geniuses billionaire playboy philanthropist " also won the heart of fans and make that dialogue Remarkable.

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