Sunday 19 July 2020

Top 10 Marvel phase 1 Best Moment

10) Gulmira Fight :-

When Tony realise that something is going wrong with her industry in her back then he go to do something good after that he wear his suit and go for Gulmira and gulmiras fight scene was awesome where Tony kill all terrorist and when he was returning he got hit with tank and after that it's one missile he blast that tank and destroy all stark Industries weapons and he return. 

9) Thor vs Destroyer :-

In First Thor movie when Destroyer come to Kill Thor at that time Thor was powerless but he don't forget his work and he came infront of  destroyer but Destroyer almost killed Thor and at that moment Mjolnir think Thor is Worthy so Mjolnir go to Thor and after that Thor destroyed destroyer. 

8) Ironman and war machine vs Whiplash :-

When Tony came to tell about whiplash to rhodey upto that whiplash target all Armor towards Tonay and also a war machine and after that when Natasha free War Machine from whiplash control then both Armored Avengers fight with Armor and also whiplash they defeat whiplash in his own unique technique. 

7) University Hulk fight Scene :-

In this movie Hulk was so angry as we see when Raws start to make angry Bruce and after that he bacome hulk and we see him fight with Raws. In all this brownsky came in front of Hulk and Hulk kick her. 

6) New York :-

In Avengers when all Avengers were fight with Chituris army at that time Tony was taking Missile to the other side of portal and this scene shows us that Tony was ready to sacrifice himself in all Avengers movie. At this moment fans think that Tony will die here but when portal was closing Tony falls from it and then hulk took Tony. 

5) Iron man and whiplash fight scene :-

As we see in Iron man 2 Tony was in his car racing and at that time whiplash comes there and break tonys car and after that Pepper and Happy comes there and they give Tony his suit and after that Tony fight with whiplash and take his weapon and destroyed it also this scene was the epic suitup scene.

4) captain America vs Red skull :-

As we see in this scene where both super serums experiment fight with each other when captain break the Tesserac holding machine at that time Red skull take that tesserac and after it he got teleport  to former and become stone keeper. 

3) Phil coulsen death:-

After got remove from Jail then Loki killed Coulsen and it was the reason for Avengers assembling also before going he shot Loki with his destroyer canon. 

2) Odin Banishes Thor :-

Odin Banishes Thor because Thor got tempered on odin and he took all his power and he banished Thor from asgard and chant on Mjolnir "Those who will be pick This hammer he will posses Thor power" And also this seen was so emotional. 

1) Avengers Assemble :-

After the destroying of helicarrier also after the death of Coulsen and after hulk and Thor fall down then Avengers get assembled at Newyork and the fight with Chituris was awesome which we see upto it's end and also we see some awesome things here like Bruce become Hulk, Hulk and Loki fight, and at last Tony taking missile to other side of Portal. 

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